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Prompted by concern of people today to the theme of the apocalypse and the fall of the human race, I decided to start this blog in order to show my view on the overall issue. Blog will be held exclusively to those topics related to the possible causes of the cataclysm of global proportions, and those that will indicate how to survive the same, at least in my humble opinion.
Please note that everything contained in this blog is my personal opinion, and it will be a reflection of my experiences, both personaly gained during the Balkan wars in the 90's of XX century, and the ones I "picked up" by monitoring everything related to this subject in the past 20 years and as you all realize, this topic becomes more popular and more popular lately.
Ponukan opterećenošću današnjih ljudi temom apokalipse i samom idejom propasti ljudskog roda, odlučio sam se da pokrenem ovaj blog sa ciljem da prikažem svoj pogled na tu kompletnu problematiku. Blog će se držati isključivo tema kako onih vezanih za moguće uzroke kataklizme globalnih razmjera, tako i onih koje će ukazivati na to kako preživjeti iste, bar po mom skromnom mišljenju.
(Nažalost) popularna "pečurka".

Napominjem da je sve sadržano u ovom blogu moje lično mišljenje, i biće odraz mojih iskustava, kako ličnih stečenih tokom ratova na Balkanu 90-ih godina XX vijeka, tako i onih koje sam "pokupio" praćenjem svega vezanog za ovu temu u proteklih 20 godina,a kao što vam je svima jasno, ova tema postaje sve popularnija i popularnija u posljednje vrijeme.
Ako ikad dođe do kataklizme planetarnih razmjera, i ako budete imali tu sreću da preživite taj prvi "udar", suočićete sa problemom kako preživeti do momenta kad možda dođe do ponovnog uspostavljanja civilizovanog društva. Šta raditi kad potrošite zalihe, ako ste ih uopšte i pripremili? Kako se prehraniti? Da li ste se ikada bavili poljoprivredom, što bi vam garantovalo bar kakvu-takvu šansu za preživljavanjem? Kako se baviti poljoprivredom u uslovima globalnog rasula? Kako doći do vode? Kako je filitrirati? Kako napraviti sklonište od kiše, vjetra, snijega pa i od neprijateljski raspoloženih preživjelih koji neće prezati ni od čega da dođu do vaše hrane, vode i opreme? Sve su to teme kojima će se baviti ovaj blog i ja ću pokušati da na najjednostavniji način, sa što više korisnih savjeta odgovorim na ta pitanja.

The biggest natural disaster that could soon to befall the Earth

Every year the world affect new hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and many other disasters related to faith of thousands of human lives. Some areas of the Earth's natural disasters affecting more often than others. Scientists have known for centuries predict that natural disasters could hit us, and these 10 could that happen / be repeated at any moment.

10. Fires, USA, 2015-year 2050.

Scientists at Harvard University predict that by 2050 fire season in the US last three weeks long, and every year an increasing burning area on the west of the country. Since 1999. the number of areas that caught fire tripled. With 30 to 60 thousand fires a year by 2050., the United States could become hell on Earth.

9. Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland

Prediction that scientists achieved for several weeks following the disclosure, a volcano erupted on 23. August 2014. It could do it again.

8. Mega earthquake, Chile, from 2015 to 2065.

In April last year, an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 on the Richter scale struck the northwestern area of ​​the coast of Chile, and scientists estimate that even stronger earthquake could hit the country in the near future.

Pine Island Glacier - An iceberg the size of Manhattan island broke off

An iceberg the size of Manhattan island broke off from Antarctica or from the Pine Island Glacier on the southwest coast of the continent.
NASA announced the new satellite photos show that "birth" of an iceberg on 15. of February. What is disturbing is the fact that this iceberg is not the largest that has emerged in this region and that is the "average".
Moreover, iceberg is 10 times smaller than that of the same glacier broke off in 2015., and whose greatest diameter was amazing 30 kilometers.
However, the fact that the new iceberg is just one in a series, rounded legitimate concerns about the survival of a large body of ice that we call the Western Antarctic ice cover.
The glacier, which is located at the top of the cover and that the ocean pushes the ice formed on the territory of Antarctica "give birth" to a new iceberg, but scientists fear that they will be a record, and that in relation to her 30-kilometer-iceberg will be insignificant.

Food is No. 1 / Hrana naša nasušna

You know that man, notwithstanding the need for water, which is in all variants under number one, has a great need for food, ie. the kind of fuel that runs our bodies. In normal conditions of life to which we are accustomed, food is available to us at every step, the hyper, super and local markets and various shops. But what to do in times of global apocalypse? How to get to the minerals, vitamins, sugars and proteins that are essential to our body to function properly ???

Thirst is a specific need, unique because the human body without water can function very short, for a few days only. If during this period the body does not supply the water, it will lead to death. But as I said, it all takes a little while. When it comes to food, the situation is different. The human body is designed to store a certain amount of surplus food that in situations where there is a need for it, he can use for their basic functions. These are first of all a certain amount of fat and protein. When the human body is exposed to lack of food, it gently pulls these reserves and so is the food, of course to a certain point. After it consumed deposited fats, the body switches to muscle wastage, which ultimately leads to a fatal outcome.
That is why we, in addition to the aforementioned water, need food for survival. But how to get food when around there is chaos, looting, killings ...?
Assume that you have already fulfilled certain conditions, ie. that your shelter away from civilization is ready and available to have a smaller or larger piece of land for cultivation. In this introduction to be read, and what you think about this issue "colleagues" Preppers from abroad, and about concrete things, ie. about how and where the easiest to grow the domestic culture, i will write in the next few posts.

Below you fully imparting an article entitled "The 10 best garden vegetables for beginner preppes"


NASA: Last year was probably the warmest since the beginning of the measurement

Data NASA arriving in recent days, saying that last year was probably the warmest since the beginning of the measurement, the BBC reported.
Data from NASA show that temperatures were close to 0.07 degrees Celsius higher than those of 2015. NASA has said that in 2016 the third consecutive year that the stew record.
Scientists say that the main factor of human emissions of CO2. The latest data will be a big shock for humans, scientists believe, as this example was last year.
Furthermore, it states that were particularly warm in early 2016 and is heavily influenced by the time El Nino phenomenon. This is also the global atmospheric-oceanic phenomenon that occurs in the middle of the fluctuation directions of winds and water temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean.
According to NASA figures, 2016 was the hottest so far, if we consider the record that dates back to 1880.
"The year 2015 was the warmest year until now, and 2016 has just become. The temperature is increased from 0.1 to 0.12 degrees Celsius, which does not sound much," he told the BBC Dr. Gavin Schmidt of the NASA team.