Ovoj temi ću vjerovatno da posvetim najmanje vremena, jer mislim da je scenario apokalipse u kome nas napadaju "živi mrtvaci" totalno i apsolutno nerealan. Mislim, dešavalo se svašta na ovom svijetu, ali gomila mrtvih tijela koja hodaju u potrazi za ljudskim mesom-to je već van svake sumnje nemoguće. Ono što je zanimljivo je zaista veliki strah preppera u SAD-u upravo od najezde zombija. Znaju li možda nešto što mi ne znamo? Ili su samo amerikanci? (ovo neću prevoditi :) )
Anyway, da bi se ljudsko tijelo kretalo, potreban mu je "pogon", kucajuće srce i sve ostalo što čini ljudsko tijelo funkcionalnim.E sad mene neko hoće da ubjedi da postoji živi mrtvac, koji hoda , govori "grrrr" i jede živo meso a ne rade mu ni srce, ni mozak, ni jetra ni bubrezi,ni...Nema šanse. A ako se ipak tako nešto desi, ogradite se što čvršćom ogradom, nabavite neku moćnu pušku sa optikom i gađajte ih isključivo u glavu. Ameri kažu da ih samo tako možete UBITI. Ali ono baš, do kraja.
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I lovački snajper može da posluži |
With this i will probably spend the least time, because I think that the scenario of the apocalypse in which we are attacked by the "living dead" is totally and absolutely unrealistic. I mean, it happened a lot of things in this world, but a pile of dead bodies walking in search of human flesh-this is already beyond doubt impossible. What is interesting is really big fear Prepper in the US from the invasion of zombies. You know something we do not?
Anyway, in order to move, human body it needs a "drive", the beating heart and everything else that makes the human body functional. If now somebody wants to convince me that there is a living dead, walking, talking "grrrr" and eat living flesh without heart or brain or liver nor the kidneys, even ... No way. And if really does something like that happen, you can build a strong fence, get a high-powered rifle with optics and strike them exclusively in the head. Americans say that taht's the only way you can kill them. But really kill them!.