So, we are just "buried" with high and low-budget Hollywood movies, which are simply bombarding us with extremely "optimistic" views of our near and far future. From "Planet of the Apes" in 1968 with a unique Charlton Heston and a few cheap bits of the same, until the craze for zombies, earthquakes, comets, alien attacks, etc., that our film industry offers to us every month. Armageddon, Deep Impact, Independence Day, Resident Evil, 2012, World War Z, Fear of the living dead, etc. are just some of the titles that are piling up daily, and most interestingly, people are showing more and more interest for that. Are we tired of our planet? It has become too small, uninteresting?
Dakle, naprosto smo zatrpani što visoko, što niskobudžetnim Holivudskim ostvarenjima, koja nas prosto zasipaju krajnje "optimističnim" prikazima naše bliže i dalje budućnosti. Od "Planete majmuna" iz 1968. sa neponovljivim Charlton Hestonom i nekoliko jeftinih nastavaka iste, do pomame za zombijima, zemljotresima, kometama, napadima vanzemaljaca i sl., kojima nas filmska industrija maltene časti svakog mjeseca. Armagedon, Deep impact, Independence day, Resident evil, 2012.,World war Z, Fear of the living dead itd. samo su neki od naslova koji se svakodnevno gomilaju, i što je najzanimljivije, prema kojima ljudi pokazuju sve veće i veće interesovanje. Da li nam je to dosadila ova naša planeta? Postala je premala, nezanimljiva?
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