What would, unfortunately, could be the most realistic scenario of the apocalypse (if you can call it like that) is the emerge and sprawl of a new, laboratory viruses, intended for rapid and extreme reduction of the human population on Earth, or the revival of an old, natural or artificially mutant viruses, such as those in the Middle Ages reigning in Europe, by bringing nearly 100 million lives. Of course, you understand that I mean the virus plague or "Black Death", as it was called. People then were uneducated and ignorant, and are
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"Black plague" virus |
blamed for the virus and the evil one, resorted to various measures to avoid it, but nothing worked, and the virus has claimed huge casualties.
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Slikovni prikaz sahrane žrtava kuge u Srednjem vijeku |
All subsequent outbreaks, with the exception of "Spanish flu" at the beginning of the 20th century were of limited character and not as affected for the entire human population. However, modernization of transport, especially aviation, we are in a situation that now any serious virus, inputed naturaly or artificialy in a human being, creates a tremendous chance to expand on all continents within a few days.Short period, too late for the authorities to react to any way. For example, some people infected with a dangerous virus in Hong Kong (Asia often taken as "zero point"), embarks on a journey by plane. At the airport it contacts with people, makes physical contact with them and the objects around them, sit on a plane for another world metropolis. On the plane, sneezes, coughs, highly-contagious virus matures in airplane ventilation and spreads around the aircraft to the other passengers, who then unaware that they are infected takes another plane and moving towards their destinations. And so within a couple of hours it already infected several hundred and perhaps thousands of people, and afther that everything goes by geometric progression. And as you turn, there is virtually no continent and major cities where there is no epidemicof that serious illness, and the authorities because of lack of preparation, because of the large number of patients and lack of vaccines are not able to restrain her.
Ono što bi, nažalost, mogao da bude najrealniji scenario apokalipse (ako se tako može nazvati) je pojava i nekontrolisano širenje nekog novog, laboratorijskog virusa, namjenjenog za rapidno i ekstremno smanjenje ljudske populacije na Zemlji, ili "oživljavanje" nekog starog, prirodnim ili vještačkim putem mutiranog virusa, poput onoga koji je u Srednjem veku harao Evropom, odnijevši skoro 100 miliona života. Naravno, i vama je jasno da mislim na virus kuge ili "CRNU SMRT", kako su je zvali. Ljudi su tada bili neobrazovani i neupućeni, pa su za virus krivili i nečastivog, pribjegavali raznoraznim mjerama da bi ga izbjegli, ali ništa nije pomagalo, i virus je odnio ogromne žrtve. Sve kasnije epidemije, ako izuzmemo "špansku groznicu" sa početka 20. vijeka bile su ograničenog karaktera i nisu toliko uticale za kompletnu ljudsku populaciju. Međutim, modernizacijom transporta, prvenstveno avionskog, dolazimo u situaciju da bi sada bilo koji ozbiljniji virus, inputiran prirodnim ili vještačkim putem u neko ljudsko biće, imao ogromne šanse da se proširi na sve kontinente u roku od par dana, prekasno da vlasti reaguju na bilo koji način. Recimo, osoba zaražena nekim opasnim virusom u Hong Kongu (Aziju često uzimaju kao "nultu tačku"), kreće na put avionom. Na aerodromu kontaktira sa ljudima, ostvaruje fizički kontakt sa njima i predmetima oko sebe, sjeda u avion za neku drugu svjetsku metropolu. U avionu kiše, kašlje, visoko-zarazni virus dospjeva u avionsku ventilaciju i širi se po letjelici na sve ostale putnike, koji onda nesvjesni da su zaraženi presjedaju na naredni avion i kreću ka svojim destinacijama. I tako je u roku od par sati već zaraženo nekoliko stotina, pa možda i hiljada ljudi, a dalje sve ide geometrisjkom progresijom. I dok se okrenete, nema maltene nijednog kontinenta i velikog grada na kome ne vlada epidemija te neke teške bolesti, a vlasti što zbog nepripremljenosti, što zbog velikog broja oboljelih i nepostojanja vakcine nisu u mogućnosti da je obuzdaju.
"Contagion" (movie) |
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